What Do Ducks Eat? Best Foods for Pet, Wild & Farm Ducks

Ducks are intriguing birds with varied eating habits. Whether you are keeping ducks as pets, on a farm, or just feeding wild ducks, knowing their dietary requirements is vital. Feeding them the appropriate food ensures that they stay healthy, energetic, and in top condition.

Understanding a Duck’s Natural Diet

What Do Ducks Eat In Natural Diet

Ducks are omnivores, and they eat both plant and animal food. Their food depends on where they live, their type, and what food is available. In the wild, they will eat a combination of insects, plants, grains, and small aquatic animals. Pet and farm ducks, however, depend on their owners to feed them a balanced and healthy diet.

Best Foods for Ducks Based on Their Habitat

The Best Food For Pet Ducks

Avoid feeding pet ducks processed foods, salty snacks, or dairy products, as these can cause digestive issues. Pet ducks need a controlled and nutritious diet to stay healthy. Their diet should include commercial duck feed, grains, vegetables, and protein sources.

Food TypeExamplesBenefits
Commercial FeedDuck pellets, crumblesBalanced nutrition
GrainsOats, rice, wheat, cornEnergy and fiber
VegetablesLettuce, carrots, peasVitamins and minerals
Protein SourcesMealworms, earthworms, scrambled eggsSupports muscle growth and feathers
FruitsApples, bananas, berriesAntioxidants and hydration

The Best Food For Wild Ducks

Bread and crackers must never be given to wild ducks since they contain no nutrients and will cause malnutrition. Wild ducks eat varied foraged natural foods. They scavenge their own food in lakes, rivers, and ponds, but if you desire to feed them, it’s necessary to provide safe alternatives.

Food TypeExamplesBenefits
Aquatic PlantsDuckweed, water lilies, algaeProvides essential nutrients
Small InsectsMosquito larvae, snails, wormsRich in protein
Seeds & GrainsSunflower seeds, cracked corn, oatsEnergy source
Leafy GreensKale, spinach, romaine lettuceVitamins and digestion support
FruitsGrapes (cut), watermelon, berriesNatural sugars and hydration

Best Food For Farm Ducks

Farm ducks also need clean water for drinking constantly, as water is needed by them for preening and digestion. Farm ducks need a nutrient-dense diet for maximum growth, egg production, and good health. Mixing high-protein feed, grains, and natural foods is optimal.

Food TypeExamplesBenefits
Duck FeedLayer pellets, starter crumblesSupports growth and egg production
Whole GrainsBarley, wheat, sorghum, cornProvides sustained energy
Protein SourcesFish meal, cooked eggs, mealwormsBoosts feather growth and egg quality
VegetablesCabbage, broccoli, carrotsImproves digestion and immune function
Calcium SourceCrushed eggshells, oyster shellsStrengthens eggshells

Foods to Avoid When Feeding Ducks

Some foods are toxic to ducks and may lead to health problems or malnutrition. Never feed them:

  • Bread & Junk Food: Nutrient-deficient and causes bloating
  • Raw Beans: Toxic to ducks
  • Avocado: Toxic to birds
  • Onions & Garlic: May cause stomach problems
  • Chocolate & Caffeine: Toxic to ducks
  • Salty & Sugary Foods: Causes dehydration and illness

How to Feed Ducks Safely

How to Feed Ducks Safely
  • Provide Fresh Food: Always feed the ducks fresh, clean food so they do not get mold or bacteria-contaminated food.
  • Use a Shallow Dish: Ducks prefer eating out of shallow dishes compared to deep bowls.
  • Ensure Clean Water: Ducks require water to swallow food properly, so provide a water source.
  • Feed in Moderation: Feeding them too much food can result in obesity and health issues.
  • Monitor Their Health: Check their eating habits to determine if any health problem is present early.


It is important to know what ducks eat in order to keep them happy and healthy. Feeding pet ducks, farm ducks, or wild ducks a balanced diet is essential to ensure they get all the nutrients. With proper precautions to avoid bad foods and using safe feeding guidelines, you can help their well-being while still enjoying their lovely company.